Community Emergency Response Team training will begin in Cook County on January 19, 2010, said Emergency Management Director, Jim Wiinanen. “CERT is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety, and doing the greatest good for the greatest number.”
Across the country there is only about one trained responder for every 100 citizens and that is about right for Cook County. Typically in an accident or emergency the first person on the scene is not a trained responder, but a family member, a neighbor, friend or another citizen. After disasters of national significance, citizens who had basic preparedness training were better able to survive until emergency response personnel arrived. CERT training can help you, your family or your business to be prepared, said Wiinanen. “CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens will be initially on their own and their actions can make a difference.”
Training topics include: Disaster preparedness, fire suppression – using a fire extinguisher, utility shutoffs, and hazardous material education, medical issues, light search and rescue – around damaged structures, psychology associated with disaster, the incident command system, and terrorism awareness.
Wiinanen, local volunteer Judie Johnson and BJ Kohlstedt, the Emergency Management director in Lake County, have taken the CERT instructor’s course and will teach the course beginning in January. The training is free.
This CERT is not the energy CERT (Clean Energy Resource Team). Under the auspices of the Cook County Emergency Preparedness Committee, CERT is an opportunity for Cook County citizens to receive basic emergency preparedness training. The traffic control STOP program in Hovland is a special CERT program. CERT members do not suppress large fires; do not enter structures considered damaged or dangerous; do not perform hazardous materials cleanup; do not perform medical, fire, or search and rescue operations beyond their level of training; and do not activate or deploy until activated according to team procedures.
The training is 20 hours and will be offered evenings. At the first class participants will set up the schedule for the remaining classes.
To enroll or ask questions, contact Jim Wiinanen at (218) 387-3059. Enrollment forms are also available in the lobby of the Law Enforcement Center.
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