Cook County News Herald

Centennial Open House at Tofte Ranger District

One hundred years ago, on Feb. 13, 1909, the Superior National Forest was designated by President Theodore Roosevelt. The public is invited to join in a celebration of the centennial year at an open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 27 at the Tofte Ranger District Office, 7355 West Hwy 61, Tofte.

Historic photos and displays, birthday cards (courtesy of the students at Birch Grove Elementary School), and of course, cake will be available to share.

Over the past hundred years, the Superior has been where this region works and plays. From timber harvesting and quarrying to fishing, hunting, and camping and from skis to snowmobiles, the Superior National Forest is an integral part of life in northern Minnesota, so come to visit, to share memories, and to launch the forest into the next century as we celebrate the past and look toward the future.

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