Cook County News Herald

Celebrate August! It’s almost here!



After a couple of stressful weeks, it’s time to look forward to August. Grand Marais has the Fisherman’s Picnic the first full weekend of the month. If you’ve ever tossed a fish or rolled on a log, this is the place for you! When I was a kid living in the West End, it was finally a chance to see all the town classmates that I hadn’t seen since June. Sidewalk sales, artists, musicians and street dances fill the days. Every class to have graduated from Cook County High School hosts their class reunion on Fisherman’s Picnic Weekend. It all ends with a parade of floats. I might add that the infamous herring burger is served from Dawn to Dusk. I go for the Sven and Ole’s pizza. That’s my favorite and I have the beat-up bumper sticker to prove it. (Sid, I need a new one!).

I missed my class reunion last August. The morning we were on our way I got the call that my dad had a serious brain bleed, and he was left side paralyzed. I went as far as Duluth and stayed there for several days. My dad is a fighter. He had never stopped working as a carpenter at the age of 83. He and Peter Borson had been building a house on Lake Superior. From the get-go he was moving and talking and playing cards and doing everything he could to get better. I say my dad is a fighter, but I believe my mom to be a warrior. She was beside him though every therapy, treatment program, making foods he could eat and caring for him night and day for months on end. It was a team effort to recovery. They drove to a wedding in Wisconsin this weekend! They continue to amaze me.



While my parents are Up North, I am in Annandale working hard on the upcoming Feast of Friends held at The Boathouse of Tween Lakes. This community dinner is a huge fundraiser for ACT (Annandale Community Team) and last year we served 500 guests over a two-night period. This year’s dinners will be August 26th and 27th. Seat sales begin August 1st by calling me at 320.310.9729. You will love it! Good food, music, photos, silent auction and more. It is amazing. After 6 years it just gets better and better. I’ll save you a seat at the table, just call me. Hugs and Peace, Sandy

“I could never in a hundred summers get tired of this.” “In the summertime, when the weather is hot, you can stretch right up and touch the sky.” “Sweet, sweet burn of sun and summer wind, and you, my friend, my new fun thing, my summer fling.” ~ Unknown

I was recently introduced to Blender Cakes. Just when I thought I’d made everything!

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