Cook County News Herald

CCHS grad receives Minnesota Principals’ Association award

Nancy Lyght Antoine

Nancy Lyght Antoine

The Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association (MESPA) has recognized Nancy Lyght Antoine, principal of Bridgewater Elementary School, Northfield School District, with the 2013 MESPA Division Leadership Achievement Award. Antoine is a 1982 graduate of Cook County High School.

The award honors principals whose exemplary leadership and sustained efforts have made noteworthy contributions to the operation of effective school learning programs— improving education, their communities, and their profession. Antoine was recognized by colleagues from throughout the state on February 7, 2013 at the MESPA Awards Banquet held at the Hilton Bloomington Hotel.

After graduating from CCHS, Antoine earned her B.S. in mathematics education from Moorhead State University, her M.A. in curriculum and instruction K-12 from the University of St. Thomas, and M.A. in education administrative licensure from St. Mary’s University.

She taught math at the middle school, high school and vocational school levels for nine years and has worked in administration for 17 years at the elementary level.

Antoine is in her sixth year as principal at Bridgewater Elementary School in Northfield.

Of her education philosophy, Antoine said: “I believe that children are our greatest gifts. We need to value them, teach them, encourage them, and love them. We should always look for the best in every child, even when their stars are not shining for us to see. All children are good at their core, but they may make us work to see their gifts. Our children are our future and it is our responsibility to ensure that our future is bright by doing right by our children today. It is our duty to assist children in reaching their greatest potential, whether it be academic, artistic, athletic, or social.”

Antoine was nominated by Becky Gerdes, principal at Jefferson Elementary School, Rochester Public Schools. On behalf of MESPA Southeast Division principals, Gerdes stated: “I have been continually impressed with Nancy’s commitment to excellence in any project she takes on for her students, staff, parents, and the community. She is truly an excellent leader. She builds strong relationships, is collaborative in her decision making, is organized and forward thinking, and keeps what is best for students in the forefront of her work.”

Antoine has been a leader in her district as well as in professional organizations. She led implementation of Response to Intervention, Professional Learning Communities, and Responsive Classroom in her building. Among her most significant career accomplishments, Antoine includes the completion of the MN Principals Academy. Antoine stated, “This program encouraged me to think beyond the walls of my own school and district, and consider other global systems that work for students. I used the strategies and ideas that I learned in my daily work with students, staff and parents. This was the foundation for my work with Professional Learning Communities and Response to Intervention.”

MESPA is the professional association of Minnesota’s elementary and middle level principals. MESPA has represented Minnesota’s principals since 1950.

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