Janette Strathy, M.D., Fellow of the American Congress of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, comes well-recommended. That is probably no surprise to her former Cook County High School classmates, who knew her as Jan Hansen.
Strathy is the recipient of Park Nicollet Foundation’s 2013 Earl G. Young Physician of Excellence award. The award is in memory of the late Dr. Earl Young, a surgeon at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park and professor of surgery and coordinator of surgical residency at the University of Minnesota.
According to a bulletin from the May 8 award presentation, the award is presented annually to a medical staff member selected by his or her colleagues for epitomizing Dr. Young’s standards of unwavering dedication, kindness and compassion, as well as professional excellence – a “doctor’s doctor.”
Dr. Strathy is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Hamline University in St. Paul. She received her medical degree at Mayo Medical School in Rochester, Minnesota, where she also completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology. She joined St. Louis Park Medical Center in 1985.
The bulletin states: “Dr. Strathy’s commitment and dedication to her profession is portrayed by her years of service on local, regional, and national levels.
“…She enjoys working with legislators on the state and national level regarding women’s health care issues. …One of her proudest accomplishments was working to achieve national recognition for Park Nicollet’s Leadership Status in 2012 for the Health Care Equality Index from the Human Rights Campaign. Through her leadership, Park Nicollet was the only health care organization in Minnesota to achieve this recognition of our nondiscriminatory health care and employment practices for the LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender] community.”
Past involvements include serving as American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) junior fellows chair, vice chair and chair of the Minnesota section of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and on the following American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists committees:
Practice Management Committee, Legislative Committee, National Nominations Committee, Grievance Committee, and Government Relations Committee.
“…She was a member of the Health Care Advisory Committee for Congressman Jim Ramstad for 18 years.
“…With grace and skill, she chaired Park Nicollet’s clinical board of directors from 2005 to 2011…. She also served as chair of the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee and as a Governance Task Force member….”
“Dr. Strathy is known as a tireless, dedicated physician whose leadership, professionalism, and enthusiasm for medicine benefits her patients, her colleagues, her clinic, her community, and her profession. She continues to lead with Park Nicollet as we strive to be the leading healthcare group practice in the region.”
Strathy grew up in Lutsen and graduated from Cook County High School one year early, with the Class of 1973.
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