The Caregiver’s Support Group, established in March, has filled a need in the community. The first meetings have been very well attended and participants have found the chance to learn from one another extremely helpful. The next meeting of the group will be Tuesday, June 18 at the First Congregational Church in Grand Marais from noon to 1:30 p.m.
Bring a bag lunch and join the group as it explores this month’s topic: Stress Relievers for Caregivers and Their Loved Ones.
The support group is sponsored by Care Partners, a collaborative of the Cook County North Shore Hospital, North Shore Health Care Foundation and the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic.
Care Partners will provide a trained volunteer, at no cost, to stay at home with the loved one in need of care or supervision so that the caregiver can attend the group.
For more information about the new group and to get a volunteer to stay with a loved one needing care, call Care Partners at (218) 387-3787 or group facilitator Vicki Biggs-Anderson at 387-1913.
Care Partners was established in 2010. Care Partners volunteers provide companionship services to individuals in their homes in the hospital and Care Center. They also provide respite for caregivers and presence at end of life.
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