A living body such as the human body is made up of millions of individual cells each doing its own thing within an organism while relating to other cells, which are doing their own thing. There are myriads of cells so very different from other cells, but they nevertheless work together to make up the whole, a living body.
Each individual cell respects and promotes itself as well as respects and promotes other cells. Without this cooperation, this societal individuality, the body would die.
Should it happen that a cell, or a group of cells, decides to do their own thing independent of other cells, they become cancerous, that is, left alone and undetected, they grow and take over the body.
At first the cancer, by its very nature, is telling the body that it is for the body’s own good, but that is a lie. Cancer lives and develops for its own good only. But, unbeknown to itself, or lying to itself, it eventually destroys the body and in so doing destroys its very own self. In other words, cancer is suicidal.
It is possible to compare our human society to a living body. Our society is made up of a myriad of individual beings (cells), which gather in various organizations (organs) in order to make society a living entity. And like with the body, if an individual being or an organization decide to do their own thing without respect and consideration for the other beings and organizations, a cancer will develop and in time destroy itself and the whole society.
It has happened before, but today we are again witnessing such cancerous growth among us. Too many individuals are living without consideration for others. Too many organizations, whether capitalistically, politically or religiously oriented, are living and voting only for themselves and for their own benefit. Too many subscribe to lying as a matter of course, which is deadly to any human and humanist society.
And too many of us are not aware of their growth being a cancer on our society and within our own selves.
We need to wake up to what is gong on in our midst and do something about it before it is too late. In other words, we need to go to the polls and let our voices be heard, demand that truth be told and rid ourselves of suicidal cancer.
Jake Hjorth
Grand Marais
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