The Birch Grove Foundation has been challenged. Grand Marais State Bank has generously offered a challenge gift to the “Campaign to Sustain Birch Grove,” which supports an endowment fund for Birch Grove—which houses the Birch Grove Community School, a Sawtooth Mountain Clinic satellite office, a youth hostel, Seniors Connect West and has served as the heart of the West End community for years.
Foundation Director Jessa Wallendahl said, “When we raise $2,500 by the end of 2009, Grand Marais State Bank will contribute an additional $2,500 to the endowment fund. This will make a total contribution of $5,000, and bring us one third of the way toward our goal of $15,000 by October of 2010.”
Wallendal said gifts during this time will work twice as hard to ensure the future for Birch Grove.
All gifts are tax-deductible. The Birch Grove Fund is an affiliate of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation.
Checks can be made to Birch Grove Foundation and mailed to PO Box 2242, Tofte, MN 55615. Gifts can also be given on-line at the recently launched GiveMN. org website.
For more information about a donation or about the Birch Grove Foundation, call (218) 663-7977 or e-mail bgf@boreal. org.
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