To the Lutsen Township Supervisors: I want to foremost, thank you for your time at the Annual Meeting continuation on August 18. As those of you present know that there are many of us who are very passionate about Birch Grove Community School.
I want to correct a couple of things. First, Paul Nelson of Lutsen stated that he was opposed to the support because of declining enrollment and the failure to create a stable program. Like I stated early on in discussion our enrollment at Birch Grove Community School has a projected 42 percent increase from last year. We failed to create a stable program? We have created an amazing program both during the school year as well as our summer program, which is not part of the issue.
It is shocking to me as a lifelong resident of Cook County that Larry McNeally, a township supervisor, only wants to give donations/support in his town of Lutsen. As a community member it is key that we see our community as one and not defined by township lines as Molly Wickwire stated.
Birch Grove Community School has students from Hovland, Grand Marais, Lutsen, Tofte, Lutsen, Schroeder, Finland, Silver Bay and Beaver Bay. We offer services for more than just those in our community. Some parents work in Lutsen who live in other towns besides the West End so Birch Grove is a great option for them and we provide that for them. Those parents support our community by choosing Birch Grove School, buying gas/ food in Tofte and Lutsen and eating at the restaurants, helping our economy.
I want to emphasize that you, the supervisors should see all the schools in our community as assets not liabilities as Larry McNeally stated. Schools and education are assets to our children and our communities.
Why is education in the bottom when it comes to funding from any branch of government? Why do the parents, staff and children of almost every school in the United States get the short end of the stick? We are not asking for your sympathy but simply your support.
For a home with a value of $200,000, it is only costing $13.74 a year with the support we are requesting! Simply amazing for the education that we provide in the West End of Cook County.
Dig deep, supervisors and see the importance of Birch Grove Community to the West End.
Sarena Nelson
BGCS Parent and School Board Member
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