A local holiday tradition begins on the Friday after Thanksgiving—the annual (and only) effort to raise funds for meeting needs in Cook County by the Salvation Army. This effort can only succeed with the help of many bell-ringers (or music providers) who attend the Red Kettles in the main grocery stores of Grand Marais and Tofte weekdays and Saturdays until Christmas Eve day. Thanks to those Red Kettle attendees, generous donors gave more than $9,000 during the 2012 campaign.
Locally the Salvation Army is represented by a service unit of community members who follow the Army’s mission “. . . to meet human needs . . . without discrimination.” A large portion of the local budget is allocated to emergency needs as food, heating, and shelter. Other important but non-emergency needs like clothing items, school supplies, and toiletries are also provided.
If you feel you can join in this endeavor, contact Red Kettle campaign coordinator Mary Sanders by phone (387-1729 or 370-1303) or email her (msanders@boreal.org). Either she or her assistant Tina Krauz will gladly answer any of your questions and schedule you for a kettle shift—an hour of your choice or more time if you are able. The importance of your role attending a kettle can’t be overestimated—donations are directly proportional to the number of attendant hours. We will need several attendees to fill the void left by highly valued attendant Richard Buch who “entered God’s Kingdom on August 28, 2013.”
There are many folks who make their time at the kettle enjoyable for themselves and others. Some do this with the great gift of a friendly presence. Others provide some much-appreciated music—vocal, instrumental, and even recorded. Some give their children an experience in understanding human need. And, if you like to show your holiday spirit by wearing your holiday “apparel,” by all means do so! If not, just don an apron provided at the kettle and carry on!
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