Decorations for the holiday season arrive a bit earlier each year nudged ahead by a highly competitive commerce. To begin before Thanksgiving was once unthinkable. Even I find myself in playful banter with kids: “Have you written to Santa?” (Or should I have said “texted”?) “Are you behaving especially well?” “The elves are working overtime (non-union) due to more kids, an everincreasing population on earth.”
The response may be a smirk or scowl with furrowed brow from one who has outgrown the Santa myth, but then usually polite silence so as to preserve the fun and fantasy for younger children present.
At some point kids develop critical thinking skills which question the impossible worldwide toy distribution system where reindeer fly without wings or jet packs, a sleigh is not on the snowy ground but skyward and lands on slanted rooftops, and a fat man enters via a narrow or non-existent chimney, etc. In coming to accept a real world view a child may first be angry at having been deceived, feel foolish for being naive, disappointed or even depressed. Adults understand this and at the same time help the child play with the fantasy.
Adults may emote the same range of feeling if the mythology of Jesus/God or other closely held religious beliefs are challenged. The message may not be openly received. A believer may bristle with defensive anger, feel insulted, and at first experience disappointment, loss, or depression if reality is acknowledged.
Even though we adults may continue to play the Santa game and take part in religious traditions, we would have reason to be genuinely concerned if an adult was to cling onto a Santa or Tooth Fairy story as truth. We should have the same concern for religious adherence.
Ultimately it is far more satisfying to learn through science of one’s place as a part of the natural world and to appreciate one’s time and place in it.
Geri Jensen
Grand Marais
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