Cook County News Herald

Bear hunt applications available until May 3

Applications for Minnesota bear hunting licenses are available through May 3, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced.

A total of 3,750 licenses are available in 11 permit areas. The number of available licenses for 2013 is about 35 percent fewer than the 6,000 licenses available in 2012. The 2012 bear harvest was 2,604. That was a 22 percent increase from 2011, despite 15 percent fewer bear quota licenses being available. The increase in harvest for 2012 was largely due to poorer fall food conditions, making bears more attracted to hunters’ baits.

The DNR’s goal with the lower license quotas is to allow for a gradual increase in the current bear population. The DNR monitors the bear population using a modeling technique based on ages of harvested bears, supplemented periodically by total population estimates based on mark-recapture data. Bear ages are determined from tooth samples that hunters are required to submit.

Notification to successful lottery winners will be made in mid- to late May. The deadline to purchase licenses awarded by lottery will be Aug. 1. Any remaining unpurchased licenses will be available to any eligible persons starting at noon Aug. 7.

Application for a bear license can be made at any DNR license agent, the DNR License Center in St. Paul, online at or by phone at 888-665-4236. Bear licenses cost $44 for residents and $250 for nonresidents. There is a $4 application fee.

Complete information on the fall bear hunt is available on the DNR website at bear.

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