Response to Geri Jensen’s letter of Aug. 14:
Your letters are full of both ridicule and anger. Yes, there are people, some calling themselves Christians, who misuse God and the Bible. Thisdoes not alter the fact that there is a God and the Bible is His word. I just read a book where a character stated, “But belief is a fact.” I agree.
You quoted President John Adams in 1797 but on July 4, 1821 he is quoted as saying, “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: It connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” Not the religion but the principles.
Read the Declaration of Independence and other historical documents that emphasize the basis for this country was Christian principles.
You are free to worship what you want but the attempts being made to remove these principles from our government must be fought, not with violence but with words and votes.
You quoted George Morrison: “A religion of the rocks, the lake, the water, the sky — that’s what I believe in.” Well, others of us prefer to believe in the one who created all this. To me, that
is logic!
Nelda Westerlind
Grand Marais
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