The Banadad Trail Association invites the public to help get the Banadad Ski Trail ready for winter. Banadad maintenance coordinator Ted Young said, “This work day we plan to hike into the Banadad along the Old Winchell Lake Fire Trail. This trail begins near the Poplar Lake public landing then winds through the BWCA to the Banadad just west of the Meads’ Lake Portage.”
Part of the area where crews will be working was heavily damaged by the 2010 Meads Lake prescribed burn. This burn left many burnt-out trees fallen or precariously close to falling into the trail. “We will be removing some of these trees, then clearing the summer’s accumulation of brush and downed trees along the three-mile section of the trail back to the trail’s eastern trailhead,” said Young.
According to Young, “Since most of the Banadad is within the BWCA where we can not use any power equipment, it takes a lot of volunteers working with hand tools to get the trail ready for skiing. Please join us – we really need your help!”
Volunteers meet for the trail workday at 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 at Poplar Creek Guesthouse B&B, 11 Poplar Creek Drive (just off the Lima Grade), Gunflint Trail. Hand tools and lunches will be provided to all volunteers. Wear sturdy clothing and boots.
Friends of the Banadad are also invited to the Banadad Trail Association’s annual meeting at 1 p.m. Oct. 21 at Poplar Creek Guesthouse B&B. Following the meeting a social hour and potluck dinner are planned.
For more information on the workday and/or the Banadad Trail Association’s annual meeting, call 218-388-4487.
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