State Sen. Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, was presented with the 2009 League of Minnesota Cities Legislator of Distinction Award. Bakk was recognized for his leadership in crafting the 2009 Omnibus Tax Bill that would have preserved the state-local fiscal partnership to meet the needs of rural, suburban, and urban main streets across Minnesota.
Bakk was also the lead author of Leaguesupported legislation to preserve agricultural land and open space and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through land use policies.
The award is given annually by the League, which represents 800 cities across Minnesota. “Our members recognize that in order to be successful in serving our common constituents, state and city officials must work together as partners to reach solutions that meet the unique needs of rural, suburban and urban Main Streets across the state,” the League wrote in the award announcement.
“In recent years, the state has continued to shift a greater
and greater burden on local governments in order to balance the state budget,” said Bakk. “While state support for core government services like education, transportation, and public safety has diminished, local governments have been forced to pick up a bigger share of the tab. As a legislator, I will continue to fight to stabilize the state and local fiscal relationship, and resist efforts to balance the state’s budget through rising property taxes. Shifting more costs onto local governments is a recipe for disaster in the long run.”
The League of Minnesota Cities is a membership organization dedicated to promoting excellence in local government. The League serves its member cities through advocacy, education and training, policy development, risk management, and other services. For more information, contact Bakk’s office at (651) 296- 8881 or
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