Cook County News Herald

Arrowhead Coalition to hold annual meeting

Members of the Arrowhead Coalition for Multiple Use (ACMU), a grassroots group formed to “promote sensible management and recreational use of our public lands and waters,” sought to demonstrate its mission in the 2009 Grand Marais Fisherman’s Picnic parade. ACMU members marched behind a banner, calling on Northland forest users to “Respect Your Neighbor.”

According to ACMU Secretary Diane McDonnell of Grand Marais, the ACMU parade entry was offered to show the Arrowhead region that people of all kinds, who enjoy all sorts of recreational use of public lands can—and do—work together.

Joining ACMU in the parade were mushers, bicyclists, members of the Cook County ATV Club, members of the Cook County Ridge Riders Snowmobile Club, dirt bikers of all ages, a motorcyclist, and a Sawtooth Mountain Saddle Club member. In an entertaining example of how different groups work together, an ATV Club member provided parade “cleanup” for the horse, Darla.

ACMU President Curtis Gagnon of Grand Portage said the organization wants to do more than make a statement in a parade. Gagnon said ACMU would like to hear from Arrowhead region residents and visitors. “Only by working together, with all user groups, can we be a successful organization and community,” said Gagnon.

Gagnon encourages anyone interested to attend the ACMU annual membership meeting Saturday, October 24, beginning at 3:00 p.m. at the Howl’n Wolf restaurant in Grand Marais, with music, drawings, and a pasta buffet dinner at 5:30 p.m.

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