Cook County News Herald

Adopt a Highway volunteers spring into action



Now that spring has arrived, thousands of Adopt a Highway volunteers across Minnesota are helping to beautify roadsides and save taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in litter removal costs.

“The Minnesota Department of Transportation extends its thanks to the dedicated volunteers and their organizations who participate in the Adopt a Highway program,” said Mike Robinson, Mn/DOT District 1 Engineer. “Their coll ective efforts benefit our state by keeping our roadsides attractive and giving visitors a positive impression as they travel our highways.”

In northeastern Minnesota, there are approximately 700 active community organizations cleaning along state highways throughout Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Pine, Koochiching, Itasca and Aitkin counties.

Adopt a Highway community organizations agree to adopt a state highway for a minimum of two years; select a segment of highway approximately two miles in length; pick up litter as often as needed, spring through fall, usually two to three times a year; remove roadside debris on both sides of a highway; and to notify Mn/DOT after every pickup

To ensure the volunteers’ safety, the Federal Highway Administration has a new safety standard requiring a high visibility ANSI Class 2 safety garment for all workers performing tasks on highway rights of way. All participants must wear the new safety vest (previous orange vests are being replaced by Mn/DOT).

In addition, Mn/DOT provides safety training materials and trash bags.

Mn/DOT maintenance staff will pick up filled trash

bags from

the roadsides and remove large, heavy or hazardous items. For safety reasons, volunteers do not pick up hazardous materials and are instructed to report the location of these items to the nearest Mn/DOT office. Volunteer groups are encouraged to recycle any materials they find.

To participate in the Mn/ DOT’s Adopt a Highway program, log on to http:// or call a Mn/DOT district office. In northeastern Minnesota, contact Barb Nelson in Virginia at 218- 742-1100.

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