Cook County News Herald

ACA to host movie events

Come to the movies on the first Saturday morning and first Monday evening of each month in the Arrowhead Center for the Arts (ACA) auditorium. There is a suggested $2 donation to help cover expenses.

The Saturday movies on the “big screen” are sponsored by Cook County Community Education and are rated G or PG. The Saturday showings begin at 10:30 a.m.

The Monday movies begin at 7 p.m. and will feature classic, musical or theatrical, and are sponsored by the Grand Marais Playhouse.

Specific show information is available in the ACA lobby and ISD 166 campus hallways. The license agreement that allows these films to be shown on campus legally does not permit advertising specific show information off campus.

There will be an intermission with concessions available in the lobby. No food or drink permitted in the auditorium. A movie suggestion box is located in the ACA lobby.

There are some rules: Elementary students and younger must be accompanied by a chaperone grade six or older; anyone picked up later than 12:45 or 9:15 p.m. will be prohibited from attending any future movies until a $20 fine is paid; all school district policies apply to everyone in attendance; bad behavior will result in immediate removal from the theater, and being prohibited from attending any future movies until $20 fine is paid for first offense, and being prohibited from all future movies for second offense. Sue Hennessy is the supervisor.

To make a donation to help cover the expense of these movie events, or to become a sponsor, contact Sue Hennessy at (218) 387-1284 ext. 2.

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