Cook County News Herald

ACA receives handicap-accessible door

Lion Walt Mianowski greets Sam Kern, Nicki Boostrom and Gene Glader at the entrance of the Arrowhead Center For the Arts (ACA). A handicap-accessible door was recently installed much to the delight of all who attend events at the ACA. Gene Glader, far right, said he was very pleased with the new door and greatly appreciates efforts by local business and governmental agencies to accommodate the handicapped and impaired.

Lion Walt Mianowski greets Sam Kern, Nicki Boostrom and Gene Glader at the entrance of the Arrowhead Center For the Arts (ACA). A handicap-accessible door was recently installed much to the delight of all who attend events at the ACA. Gene Glader, far right, said he was very pleased with the new door and greatly appreciates efforts by local business and governmental agencies to accommodate the handicapped and impaired.

A handicap—accessible door has been installed at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts (ACA) just in time for the Grand Marais Playhouse production of Cole Porter’s You
Never Know.

For Gene Glader the new door is a welcome site.

“It’s a great help for people who are in a wheelchair or who use a walker. I’m very appreciative of the efforts that were made to install this door. In the last 20 years it’s nice to see that curbs have come down and automatic doors have been installed throughout the town. These are a blessing to people who need help.”

Funding came through a variety of community events that included a talent show and a Lion’s Club pancake breakfast. Arrowhead Electric gave a grant for $3,000 and the school district supplied some funds and its janitorial staff will maintain the automatic door.

School board chairman Mary Sanders thanked Dawn Byholm of the Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA) for her vision to request the project and then her work to see that the job got done.

“We couldn’t have done this without Dawn. Thiswas her idea, she headed up the talent show and she has been diligent and delightful to work with through this process,” said Sanders.

“I also would like to thank Beth Schwarz [school superintendent] for her effort and energy. Never once did she not make this a priority. Without Beth’s help this wouldn’t have happened.”

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