Cook County News Herald

A Christmas Celebration in Threes



Here is a secret that only a few of my closest friends know……when I host during the holidays, I serve the same meal over and over. That’s it. I only have to learn to make three delicious recipes and I’m golden. I usually like to get out my collection of Spode Christmas Tree Dinnerware. These are my favorite Christmas dishes that really set a festive mood.

This year I learned to make French Onion Soup. My son Ben and I peeled and sliced 30 onions wearing ski goggles to keep from crying. The house smelled of onions, but the soup was delicious. I also made a Warm Bacon and Spinach Salad. The thought of warm salad had my family shaking their heads but once it was on the plate, it was gobbled up. (Wait, that’s a Thanksgiving term.) The final dish is Chicken Marbella. Now you have to have trust in me on this recipe because by looks of the ingredients you will shake your head and pass. Don’t do it. Make this easy recipe and your friends and family will think you’re a restaurant chef. I serve it with simple roasted potatoes and carrots because this chicken is full of flavors! Yum.



When I say Christmas in Threes, I don’t just mean three recipes. This year I hosted three dinners back-to-back-to-back. Why not? The dishes were unpacked. I had three killer recipes. And I have been blessed with family, friends and two book clubs to entertain. Don’t put off hosting this year. We may never have this day again. Hugs and Peace, Sandy

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” – Charles Dickens

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