Todd Ford, Public Communications Coordinator The Cook County Highway Department has scheduled a public meeting regarding the 5th Avenue Reconstruction Project which is planned for the summer of 2023. The meeting will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 2022, in the Commissioner’s Room at the Cook County Courthouse.
The project will consist of replacing city stormwater infrastructure and reconstructing the road. Sidewalks will be added on either side of 5th Avenue West in Grand Marais. Construction is slated for Summer 2023 and will extend from Highway 61 through the intersection with 5th St/CSAH 7.
Residents and businesses will be able to use their driveways but travel up and down 5th Avenue will be prohibited. Detour routes are still in the works.
“Existing pavement is the poorest rated pavement in the entire county,” said Robert Hass, County Engineer. “Sidewalks are in line with Cook County and Grand Marais pedestrian plans to help make this a more walk-friendly community.”
The design consultant is LHB. A contractor has not been decided upon yet. Funding is through annual State Aid Construction funds, and a $835,000 Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) grant. Storm water infrastructure will be funded by Public Utilities Commission (PUC) reserves. For additional information, please call the Cook County Highway Department, 218-387-3014 or visit: https://tinyurl.com/44ammkzc.
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