2011. Who would have thought we’d be here just 11 short years after Y2K? Seems like a blink doesn’t it? If you say 2011 as two…oh…one…one… out loud it sounds a little like two…oh…won…won or win win to me. The Steve Covey definition of win-win is a situation found to be mutually beneficial and cooperative. All parties come out on top. That’s a sign I think we’re in for a very good year. Here are some great “winwins” I would like to see take hold in 2011.
Employment win-win – How about a good job for everyone who wants to work this year? For this to be a win-win, employees will need to look at all jobs as worthy of great integrity. I don’t care if you’re being paid to clean bathrooms, if this is your job do your absolute best, be on time, work well with others and don’t complain. The second win is employers will need to treat all employees with great respect. Be polite, be caring and understand that these are hard times for everyone. Food for thought, in these uncertain times: an employee today might just be your boss tomorrow.
Win-win H2O – Tell me why it is easier and cheaper to get pop than water just about everywhere even at the movie theater. I asked for tap water at the movies the other day and I was charged $3.50! I said I thought this was a bit steep and I was told I was really paying for the cup, it didn’t matter what it held inside. If that’s the case, fill mine with a Colorado Bulldog and let’s call it a day. Seriously, we have to make it easier for all of us to drink water throughout the day. Skip the pop and skip the high fructose juices, water is the best bet going. Win – you don’t rot your teeth; win – you feel great!
Relationship win-win – Don’t just resolve to spend more time with family and friends in 2011, schedule it. We have become a society that fills our calendars with appointments, sporting events and commitments. I suggest we all take our calendars today and write in plans to build those relationships that are so important to us. How about scheduling game nights with the kids, call grandparents every other Saturday, date night with our spouse, ladies night with the girls and so on. Plan it, write it down and do it because in the end these are the relationships that really matter.
I am looking forward to a win-win year! Heads up though. 2012 out loud is two…oh… one…two. This sounds a little like a sucker punch to me, so let’s all be prepared! The law of win-win says, “Let’s not do it your way or my way— let’s do it the best way.”
Greg Anderson
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